Home Found! Herd of African Elephant Saved!
A herd of 12 African elephant who were in urgent need of a new home in South Africa have been saved in the 11th hour. Louise Joubert, founder of SanWild wildlife and rhino sanctuary, had posted a plea on Facebook for help in sourcing a new home, ideally a private reserve, for the small herd who […]

A herd of 12 African elephant who were in urgent need of a new home in South Africa have been saved in the 11th hour.

Louise Joubert, founder of SanWild wildlife and rhino sanctuary, had posted a plea on Facebook for help in sourcing a new home, ideally a private reserve, for the small herd who were suddenly without a home.
“As SanWild is already home to a small group we unfortunately cannot bring in another herd unless we can increase our land size in the future,” Louise said at the time.
The criteria for a new safe home was strict, including that the herd of 12 adult cows, bulls and calves could not be split up.
Minutes ago Louise received confirmation that a reserve has agreed to take the elephants!
The difficulty in finding a home does highlight how necessary organisations like Louise’s SanWild Sanctuary are…and how with more land, the Sanctuary team could save more of South Africa’s precious wildlife.
If you would like to help conserve South Africa’s wildlife in any way, please consider donating to SanWild:
All donations are fully tax-deductible in South Africa. They have also recently introduced a stunning Conservation Certificate – whereby for $150 you can show your support for wild animal rescue, rehabilitation, habitat protection and bio-
DONATE HERE: www.sanwild.org/donate.html