#VOTESA – South African Political Parties on the Soap Box
SAPeople sent an email to all the political parties contesting the 2014 South African Elections, offering each the opportunity to tell us why South Africa should vote for them. So far we have heard back from one (see below)…We look forward to hearing from the others, and will print their 550-words or less as soon as […]

SAPeople sent an email to all the political parties contesting the 2014 South African Elections, offering each the opportunity to tell us why South Africa should vote for them.
So far we have heard back from one (see below)…We look forward to hearing from the others, and will print their 550-words or less as soon as we receive them.
Please Note: SAPeople does not endorse any political party.

South Africans across the country are telling us that they are ready for change. Change towards jobs, change towards quality education, change towards clean government and change towards excellence in service delivery.
We are grateful for the freedom that we got in 1994. Our lives improved under Presidents Mandela and Mbeki. We made progress. But the ANC has changed. The ideal of a better life for all has become a better life for some, as jobs and opportunities only go to those with political connections.
Today, there are 1.4 million more people unemployed than there were when Zuma took office in 2009. Economic growth has dropped below 2% – not nearly enough to start building a more inclusive economy. South Africa loses between R25- and R30-billion per year to corruption and maladministration.
With your help, the DA will bring change to South Africa.
To grow the economy and create jobs, in national government the DA will improve access to education and the quality of education outcomes by providing training for 15 000 more teachers per year; giving every child a textbook in every subject; and by increasing funding for higher education to ensure that no qualifying student is denied further education because they cannot afford it. The DA will also increase the NSFAS budget to R16-billion per year so that no student is denied further education because they cannot afford it.
Tackling unemployment is essential, thus the DA will increase opportunities for young people to gain work experience through the creation of one million internships and seven million expanded public works programme opportunities. The DA will make South Africa a nation of entrepreneurs by cutting red tape and by providing more support and training for small businesses. The DA will also improve Black Economic Empowerment so that it rewards companies that invest in their workers and create jobs, and we will tackle corruption by firing corrupt officials and preventing public servants from doing business with the state.
While we grow the economy, cut corruption and create jobs, the DA will also tackle crime to ensure that our children can grow up in safe communities. We will put 250 000 properly trained police officers on the streets and fight gangsterism and keep our youths away from drugs by re-instating the Narcotics Bureau and by building more rehabilitation centres.
The DA will also improve the delivery of housing and basic services through clean and efficient government as we have done in the Western Cape; we will work with the private sector to provide quality, affordable healthcare for all; and we will dedicate an extra R10 billion to speed up land reform and provide training and support to emerging farmers.
Together we can ensure that every child receives a better education, that every deserving student is fully funded for tertiary education, that young people can get internships, work experience, and ultimately, that every adult has the opportunity to work.
Together we can build a country that we can be proud of. In this election, you have an opportunity to shape our future for the better. Lend us your vote in 2014 – you will not be disappointed. Vote for the DA.