I Am Durban – Beautiful Time-Lapse Video Tribute
Two Durban-based professional photographers have created a visually stunning tribute to Durban – a time-lapse video entitled “I am Durban”. The photographers – Matt Wilkes and Kierran Allen – spent 12 months shooting in and around the Durban area to create the unique footage for their homage. “We wanted to showcase Durban in a new […]

Two Durban-based professional photographers have created a visually stunning tribute to Durban – a time-lapse video entitled “I am Durban”.
The photographers – Matt Wilkes and Kierran Allen – spent 12 months shooting in and around the Durban area to create the unique footage for their homage.
“We wanted to showcase Durban in a new way that has never been seen before – what better way than a cracking time-lapse of a few key spots!” says Kierran.
“Time-lapse is actually not something that many photographers in South Africa do. We waited for the best conditions weather-wise to capture some of Durban’s most spectacular views.
“We wanted to create something that would make Durbanites proud of their city.” Mission Accomplished!
I AM DURBAN from Kierran Allen on Vimeo.
Kierran Allen – www.facebook.com/kierranallenphotography
Matt Wilkes – https://m.facebook.com/MattWilkesPhotograghy